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A blog to discuss vending solutions provided by Planet Antares Inc

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Impact Of Cashless Technology On Planet Antares Vending

The increasing use of cashless vending technology in Planet Antares vending machines will help increase the customers of your vending operations. An increase will be witnessed in the customer base because there will also be improved customer satisfaction.

It was stated by the Federal Reserve Board that electronic transactions exceed payments made by cash or check. Moreover, credit card and debit card purchases continue to grow at an annual rate of 7% and 27% respectively.

In recent years, the public were a little reluctant about using credit and debit cards for small dollar transactions. However, the popularity of cashless transactions has resulted in understanding of the benefits of the Planet Antares vending machines. Today, small dollar cashless transactions take place in coffee shops and gas stations. As a result of this, an increase in the sales has been witnessed in these sectors. A cashless payment option in your Planet Antares vending machines could mean that you will experience a rise in your sales.

With cashless payment options in vending machines, there will be a significant rise in convenience and accessibility. This will enable you to make vending machine industry more profitable by encouraging impulsive vending machine purchases. It has also been noted that the public is keen over making impulsive purchases when paying with a credit card.

Increase in impulse buying will lead to a rise in sales and profits as well. Usually, Planet Antares vending machines are able to encourage impulse buying with their glass front doors. In this regard, the presence of a cashless payment option will serve to enhance the sales of snacks and beverages. If a customer is given an option of using a credit card or a debit card in a vending machine, they are more likely to buy a soda.

Self service is attracting a lot of customers and this is being incorporated in vending machine technologies with the help of cashless payment options. This is a revolutionary change in the vending industry. In the coming years, we will witness more advanced alternatives where it will become possible to make vending machine purchases using cashless RFID technology, as well as biometric payment options.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Generating Alternative Income For Planet Antares Vending Business

If you already have a regular job or are a business owner, taking up vending as a second income option will be a great alternative. With a Planet Antares vending program, you can choose your own working hours and schedule so that you can comfortably manage to do a regular job as well as run a vending business. For example, servicing of vending machines can be undertaken in the evenings and during the weekends.

To start a vending business while still working at a job, you would only be able to start with a few vending machines. Since it is only a part time vending business, you need to be careful about not taking more than you can handle. It is a great way to supplement your regular salary by allowing you to earn substantial second income.

You will have to pick locations that will be profitable for your vending business. Locations with a high traffic are ideal for a snack and beverage vending business. These can include shopping malls, motels, subways, etc. picking locations that already contain vending machines can also be a profitable decision. The fact that vending machines have already been placed is a sign of a profitable location. However, some locations with no vending machines also have the potential for profitability. Such locations are ideal because you would have no stiff competition to face. With the right locations, making a second income will hardly be difficult.

It is also very important to have the best kind of vending machines to ensure success of your vending business. Vending machines can be bought new or used or they can be rented. Either way, for a vending business to be successful, the vending machines have to be of the best quality to enable minimum possible downtime. Downtime can lead to loss of sales and revenue.

As the owner of a part time vending business, you will require lesser number of vending machines as compared to a full time vending business. These few vending machines will not require much time for servicing and are easier to maintain. Go for Planet Antares vending machines for reliable and durable vending machines.

Generating a second income will mean that you will be able to afford the kind of luxuries that you have never imagined possible before. With a regular job, there may be many restrictions on your budget but this can be avoided with a second income from your vending business. You may choose to expand your vending business with this additional income. Eventually, you can turn into a full time vending operator and earn much more than any job can offer.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Panet Antares Vending Commission Systems

In situations where the employee has a lot of control over the rate of production, commission systems work quite well. Of course, it depends on his ability to work harder, smarter, longer and faster.

Commission systems can be less effective in industries where the employee doesn’t have total control over the rate of production. A vending route environment would ve one of those industries. For example, a route person who is aid on a commission basis knows that he will earn more if he collects more money on his route.

A route driver will learn how to fill and clean Planet Antares vending machines as quickly as possible. He must also reduce the amount of time spent at each location, with the hope that he will have more time to service machines and collect cash each day. Till now, a commission system appears to be a win-win situation for the Planet antares operaion and the route person. In this way, the employee can earn more commission and the company can earn more profits.

A survey conducted recently revealed that most operators pay drivers some type of incentive. Fewer pay drivers a fixed salary. Some of the vendors pay only commission and other pay a combination of commission and salary.

However, there are several issues related to commission systems as well. As the route driver would want to service more Planet Antares vending machines, he may:

1. drive too fast
2. perform less than 100 percent of the machine sanitaiton requirements
3. ignore simple mechanical procedures
4. fail to take the time to coin test a machine after filling it

Any or all of these factors can create more serious problems than the problem the commission system was originally designed to solve.

By itself, a commission system will not teach you how to schedule a route. The trick is to service the Planet Antares vending machines only after the machine has made enough sales to profitably justify the cost of service.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Planet Antares Overview For The Vending Industry

For anyone, the vending machine business and the vending industry is a great business opportunity. This is an industry that has been around for a long time and is currently the number one all cash business in the U.S. Planet Antares offers you a great vending opportunity where you can earn a high income that will lead to your financial freedom.

Some of the reasons why vending is a great business include:

1) There’s no need to be business savvy or a professional to own and operate a Planet Antares vending business. It can be handled by anyone without much hassle. All that you need is the desire to be successful and the willingness to work at it. Just make sure that your vending machines are well maintained and serviced.

2) Vending is a $28 billion plus industry. The best part about the business is that it is all cash. No checks, accounts receivables or IOU’s are involved. It is all hard cash and provides great liquidity to you.

3) From the beginning, Planet Antares vending machines will start making money for you. There is no need to wait for months to build a clientage. Once the machines are placed in good locations, they will start making money almost instantly. The room for growth in the vending business is quite amazing, especially when it comes to the snacks and beverages section. Americans love junk food and that is going to carry on for a long time to come. This is one of the factors that will lead to the growth of the vending industry.

4) When you start a vending business, it is possible to begin with just one or two vending machines. This would mean that you will be running your Planet Antares vending business from home without any overheads while enjoying tax advantages. It will also allow you to spend quality time with your family, which is not possible in case of a regular job.

5) In Planet Antares vending business, your entire investment is in equipment and products. There is no franchise fee. You don’t need a large investment to get started. All that is needed is an initial investment to buy, rent or lease one vending machine. As your business grows, you will acquire more machines and finally, make more money.

Every year, the vending industry is growing at a much faster pace as more and more people discover how much money there is in the industry. The vending business is one that will allow you to be your own boss, where you will get to control your schedule and income completely.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sales Process Of Planet Antares Vending

If you want to be successful in your vending business, it requires constant commitment to a multidiscipline process whether you are a small operator or a large multi-state operator. In order to be successful as a Planet Antares vending operator, you need to be able to handle the high and lows of everyday sales life.

On one hand are the industry sources including product, equipment and other goods and services that are sold to the vending operators. The other side has the sales people who represent the vending operators who go out and try to obtain new business.

A salesperson on the supplier’s side does more of a relationship type selling process. If you are selling vending equipment or products at the regional level, you are calling on the same people everyday. Certain steps need to be taken to develop these relationships which will lead to the success of your Planet Antares vending business. These include:

1. Relationship building
When you meet new customers, don’t approach them straight away with your candy vending machine and ask them whether they want to try it. First, you must get to know the customer by asking about how they started the business and if the whole family is involved. Also, you can ask what they have done to make the business successful.

You must also meet the route people as well as become involved in the state vending association. This is essential for the success of your Planet Antares vending business.

2. Commitment for success
If you want to be successful, be prepared to work with dedication and commitment. You need to really get to know your customer. The sales people on the operator side of the business tend to do cold calling, particularly in the large market. This involves calling new people everyday. You must develop relationships which can turn to referrals and eventually more business.

3. Business objectives
Keep a check on your monthly sales goals to determine how many cold calls you need to make in a day to get appointments. After this, you will have to determine how many appointments will be required to create enough sales to meet your monthly sales goal.

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