Planet Antares | Planet Antares Inc | Planet Antares Vending

A blog to discuss vending solutions provided by Planet Antares Inc

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Vending Industry Overview

Vending is a multi billion dollar industry. Customer’s spending power and business growth has influenced demand for products. As the number of vending operators is increasing by the day, their success is determined by effective merchandising, prompt servicing and maintenance and choosing prime locations for setting up vending machines.

Vending operators usually compete with restaurants, coffee shops, grocery and convenience stores and establishments that provide food and beverages. Generally small operators cater to local markets while the large operators offer wide range of products to customers for selection and benefit in purchasing, financing and distribution.

Of the total products sold using vending machines, beverages form the major chunk (40%) while candy bars and snacks comprise 30%. Other products sold include meals, ice creams and cigarettes. Vending operators have also come up with office snacks services and are providing variety of products. With compact vending machines becoming a huge success, more and more locations are opting for them.

Most operators set up multiple machines at various locations known as route. Either you or an employee can travel to each location and check on sales, stock availability, provide service and maintenance and finally collect money from each machine. It is surprising to know that nearly three fourths of vending operators earn nothing less than one million per year. WOW!

Based on the kind of product to be sold, operators have the choice of selecting either a cold vending machine or a glass front vending machine. Cold vending machines can dispense items that require refrigeration like ice creams, soft drinks etc. Some vending machines are also capable selling multiple products at the same time. Glass front machines on the other hand are used to sell products which customers would want to see before they purchase.

Business establishments rent out space in areas with heavy foot fall to place their machines. While offices are the most common places for placing vending machines, they are also found in retail centres, hotels, hospitals and schools. Vending operators purchase inventories from various sources. Large companies usually buy directly from manufacturers while small companies purchase products from retailers. However small or big your business is, establishing the right product mix can make it very successful and maximize your sales.

To know how to be successful in vending and to find out tips and tricks of the trade, you should contact Planet Antares, They have a unique support program where they assist vending operators with fine tuning their operations to generate huge profits.

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