Cutting Down On The Delivery Trips For Your Vending Business
In case you have not been optimizing your vending routes, now is the right time to let those rising costs be a catalyst. Look for certain “metrics” for each Planet Antares vending machine and then plan on updating of both the planograms and delivery schedules.
Any modern vending software system will make collection and analysis of the appropriate metrics much quicker and simpler. In spite of this, the job can still be done without one. Begin with looking at the most recent services of every vending machine and then consider the following elements:
1) percent deleted
2) percent filled
3) Number of sold out columns
4) Number of sold out products
5) Value of dollar sales
Ultimately, the goal in fine tuning schedules and planograms is to service the Planet Antares vending machine when it is as depleted as possible and has no sold out products. Commonly, there is a certain amount of sold out columns that may be acceptable because studies indicate that you will only lose the sale if the products demanded by customers are not made available to them.
Apart from the dangerous 60% rise in the cost of energy, vending operators are facing increasing healthcare and labor costs and lower manufacturer rebates. All these issues together can have a serious impact on your vending business profitability. Fortunately, Planet Antares vending operators can adopt the practice of reducing delivery trips and successfully mitigate the impact of rising costs and declining rebates.
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